positionality and lineage statement

Dean Amethyst is a self-taught multi-disciplinary artist, a community-supported divinator, and a professional counselor. They are non-binary, queer, and Autistic and find elements of their identities to be a driving inspiration behind their art. They have been highlighted in the Wally Duomo student gallery, the Sound Mind/Sound Body disability empowerment show, an interactive community art event at Patchwork Tattoo Collective, and in the Queer with Disabilities zine. Some of Dean’s influences include adrienne marie brown and other Black radical feminists, Dr Devon Price and other Autistic adults, and contemporary artists such as Brit. They aim to create community spaces to support folks in honoring and alchemizing their grief, trauma, and pain in the pursuit of pleasure, connection, and collective liberation. They are currently based in Madison, WI and work as an artist and a professional counselor.

about dean amethyst

our identities, experiences, values, and worldview impact the work we do, the art we create, and the way we relate to the people around us. learn more about me through my positionality statement and past experiences description